\name{convertOldCellHTS} \alias{convertOldCellHTS} \title{Convert an old S3 class cellHTS object to the new S4 class cellHTS object} \description{ Convert an old S3 \code{cellHTS} object (from the \code{cellHTS} package) into one or several S4 \code{\linkS4class{cellHTS}} objects (from the \code{cellHTS2} package).} \usage{convertOldCellHTS(oldObject)} \arguments{ \item{oldObject}{an S3 class \code{cellHTS} object obtained using the package \code{cellHTS}.} } \value{ The function returns a list containing one or more \code{cellHTS} objects. The element \code{raw} contains the unnormalized data from \code{oldObject}. Depending on the state of \code{oldObject} (on whether it is normalized and scored), the other components of this list can be: \code{normalized}, an S4 \code{cellHTS} object containing the normalized data, and \code{scored}, an S4 class \code{cellHTS} object containing the scored data. } \author{Ligia P. Bras \email{ligia@ebi.ac.uk}} \references{ Boutros, M., Bras, L.P. and Huber, W. (2006) Analysis of cell-based RNAi screens, \emph{Genome Biology} \bold{7}, R66. } \seealso{ \code{\link{updateCellHTS}} } \examples{ data("oldKcViabSmall") out <- convertOldCellHTS(oldKcViabSmall) names(out) out[["raw"]] }