\name{listFilters} \alias{listFilters} \title{lists the filters available in the selected dataset} \description{Filters are what we use as inputs for a biomaRt query. For example, if we want to retrieve all entrezgene identifiers on chromosome X, \code{chromosome} will be the filter, with corresponding value X.} \usage{listFilters(mart, what = c("name", "description"), group = "DEFUNCT")} \arguments{ \item{mart}{object of class \code{Mart} created using the \code{\link{useMart}} function} \item{what}{character vector indicating what information to display about the available filters. Valid values are \code{name}, \code{description}, \code{options}, \code{fullDescription}, \code{filters}, \code{type}, \code{operation}, \code{filters8}, \code{filters9}.} \item{group}{defunct. If you need advice how to replace that functionality, please contact the package maintainer for advice.} } \author{Steffen Durinck, http://www.stat.berkeley.edu/~steffen} \examples{ if(interactive()){ mart = useMart("ensembl", dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl") listFilters(mart) } } \keyword{methods}