\name{getGO} \alias{getGO} \title{Retrieves GO information} \description{This function is now defunct, use getBM instead. See vignette for an example to retrieve GO information from Ensembl using getBM..This function retrieves GO identifiers, GO descriptions and evidence codes from Ensembl given a vector of gene identifier. A wide variety of gene indentifiers can be used as inputs. The list of possible identifiers that can be used as input, can be found using the listFilters function.} \usage{getGO( id, type, mart)} \arguments{ \item{id}{gene identifier} \item{type}{type of identifier, possible values can be obtained by the listFilters function. Examples are entrezgene, hgnc\_symbol (for hugo gene sy mbol), ensembl\_gene\_id, unigene, agilentprobe, affy\_hg\_u133\_plus\_2, refseq\_dna, etc.} \item{mart}{object of class Mart, containing connections to the BioMart databases. You can create such an object using the function useMart.} } \author{Steffen Durinck, http://www.stat.berkeley.edu/~steffen} \examples{ if(interactive()){ mart <- useMart("ensembl", dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl") #example using affy id go = getGO( id = "1939_at", type = "affy_hg_u95av2", mart = mart) show(go) #example using entrezgene id go = getGO( id = 672, type = "entrezgene", mart = mart) show(go) } } \keyword{methods}