\name{extractVignettes} \alias{extractVignettes} \title{Extract pdf vignettes from local package repository} \description{ This function extracts pdf files from the \code{inst/doc} subdirectory of R source packages archives (\code{.tar.gz}) found in a local package repository. All pdf files found in \code{inst/doc} will be extracted. Only source package archives will be processed. The extracted pdf files will be extracted under \code{destDir} and will be found in \code{PKGNAME/inst/doc/*.pdf}. Prior to extraction, all pdf files in \code{destDir/PKGNAME/inst/doc} will be removed. } \usage{ extractVignettes(reposRoot, srcContrib, destDir) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{reposRoot}{character vector giving the path to the root of the local CRAN-style package repository} \item{srcContrib}{character vector giving the relative path from the \code{reposRoot} to the source packages. In a standard CRAN-style repository, this will be \code{src/contrib}.} \item{destDir}{character vector specifying the directory in which the extracted files will be written. If missing, files will be written to \code{/vignettes}.} } \author{Seth Falcon} \keyword{utilities}