\name{closest.top} \alias{closest.top} \title{Find the closest genes.} \description{ Find the closest genes to the supplied target gene based on the supplied distances. } \usage{ closest.top(x, dist.mat, top) } \arguments{ \item{x}{the name of the gene (feature) to use.} \item{dist.mat}{either a dist object or a matrix of distances.} \item{top}{the number of closest genes desired.} } \details{ The feature named \code{x} must be in the supplied distances. If so, then the \code{top} closest other features are returned. } \value{ A vector of names of the \code{top} closest features. } \author{Beiying Ding} \seealso{\code{\link{cor.dist}}, \code{\link{spearman.dist}}, \code{\link{tau.dist}},\code{\link{euc}}, \code{\link{man}},\code{\link{KLdist.matrix}},\code{\link{KLD.matrix}},\code{\link{mutualInfo}}} \examples{ data(sample.ExpressionSet) sE <- sample.ExpressionSet[1:100,] d1 <- KLdist.matrix(sE, sample = FALSE) closest.top(featureNames(sE)[1], d1, 5) }