\name{setWeights} \alias{setWeights} \title{Set BeadLevelList Weights} \description{ Replaces the weights of a BeadLevelList with user-specified ones. } \usage{ setWeights(BLData, wts, array, combine=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{BLData}{\code{BeadLevelList}} \item{wts}{either a numerical vector of weights to use, or 0 or 1 to set all weights to 0 or 1.} \item{array}{integer specifying the strip/array to use} \item{combine}{logical. If \code{TRUE}, the new weights specified by \code{wts} are combined with the existing weights by storing the minimum of the two for each bead. If \code{FALSE} the new weights replace any existing weights.} } \details{ This function replaces the weights column, \code{wts}, on the specified array, with user-specified values. Only rows with \code{wts != 1} are used in \code{createBeadSummaryData}. } \value{ \code{BeadLevelList} object, with updated \code{wts} values. } \author{Mark Dunning} \examples{ data(BLData) BLData <- setWeights(BLData,1,1) ##set all weights to 1 BLData <- setWeights(BLData,0,1) ##set all weights to 0 } \keyword{misc}