\name{readLocs} \alias{readLocs} \title{Read the .locs file produced with each array} \description{ Reads the binary Illumina bead location files and returns a matrix of the coordinate pairs for every bead on the array. } \usage{ readLocs(fileName) } \arguments{ \item{fileName}{String specifying the name of the locs file to be read.} } \details{ The locs file contains bead centre locations for every bead on the array, unlike the bead level text files, with contain just the beads that were decoded. Reading these can be useful if one wants to verify that the image registration was successful, or is interested in the locations of the undecoded beads. The locs file itself is in a binary format, with each of the bead locations stored as a pair of doubles. The first 2 bytes contain header information, with the 3rd byte containing the number of probes on the array. The location information begins with the 4th byte. } \value{ Returns a matrix with 2 colums containing the X and Y coordinates of each bead on the array. } \author{Mike Smith} \keyword{misc}