\name{rankIvariantNormalise} \alias{rankInvariantNormalise} \title{Rank Invariant normalise data in a matrix} \description{ Normalise expression matrix using rank invariant genes } \usage{ rankInvariantNormalise(exprs, T) } \arguments{ \item{exprs}{a matrix of expression values} \item{T}{A target distribution vector to normalise the data to. The default is NULL in which case the average quantiles are used} } \details{ Using the \code{normalize.invariantset} function from the affy package, we find a list of rank invariant genes whose rank does not change significantly between the columns of \code{exprs}. We then fit a normalising curve to each array using the values of the rank invariant genes of the array and a target distribution. The target distribution may be specified by the user and by default is the vector of average quantiles across all arrays. } \value{ Matrix of normalised expression data with the same dimensions as \code{exprs}. } \author{Mark Dunning} \examples{ data(BSData) BSData.ri = assayDataElementReplace(BSData, "exprs", rankInvariantNormalise(exprs(BSData))) } \keyword{methods}