\name{qcBeadLevel} \alias{qcBeadLevel} \title{Generate simple diagnostic plots for Illumina bead-level data} \keyword{hplot} \description{Generate simple diagnostic plots for Illumina bead-level data} \usage{ qcBeadLevel(object, whatToPlot="G", RG=FALSE, log=TRUE, nrow = 100, ncol= 100, colDens=1, colBox=0, html=TRUE, fileName="qcsummary.htm", plotdir=NULL, experimentName=NULL, targets=NULL, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{\code{BeadLevelList}} \item{whatToPlot}{character string or vector specifying which intensities to plot. Possibilities are \code{"G"}, \code{"Gb"} for single channel data and \code{"G"}, \code{"Gb"}, \code{"R"}, \code{"Rb"} and \code{"M"} for two-colour data} \item{RG}{if TRUE, plot R vs G intensities per array. Default value is FALSE. Only useful for two-channel data} \item{log}{if TRUE log2 intensities are plotted} \item{nrow}{integer specifying the number of rows to divide the image into (used by \code{imageplot} function)} \item{ncol}{integer specifying the number of columns to divide the image into (used by \code{imageplot})} \item{colDens}{colours for density plots (default is 1)} \item{colBox}{colours for box plot (default is 0)} \item{html}{logical scalar. If \code{TRUE} an html summary page is generated. If \code{FALSE}, no summary page is generated.} \item{fileName}{name of html summary page. Default is \code{"qcsummary.htm"}.} \item{plotdir}{optional character string specifying the filepath where the plots will be saved. Defaults to the current working directory.} \item{experimentName}{name to appear on HTML report (default is NULL).} \item{targets}{\code{data.frame} containing sample information} \item{...}{further arguments that can be passed to the plotting functions.} } \details{ This function creates boxplots, smoothed histogram (density) plots and imageplots of raw bead-level intensity data. An html page which displays the results, is created when \code{html=TRUE}. The html page name is specified by the \code{fileName} argument. } \author{Matt Ritchie} \examples{ #data(BLData) #qcBeadLevel(BLData) }