\name{probePairsPlot} \alias{probePairsPlot} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{QA plot using perfect match and mismatch controls} \description{ QA using the hybridisations controls that are identical expect for a few bases. Hence lower signal should be observed for the mismatch probes. } \usage{ probePairsPlot(BLData, array = 1,t1,t2,plot=FALSE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{BLData}{A BeadLevelList object for an Illumina expression array} \item{array}{Number of the array in BLData that we want QA for} \item{t1}{Pre-computed list of array intensities} \item{t2}{List of ProbeIDs for all beads on the array} \item{plot}{Return the plot or not} } \details{ Firstly, the annotation of the control probes found on the BeadLevelList object is retrieved. We then search the annoation for the perfect and mismatch controls (labeled phage\_lambda\_genome:pm and phage\_lambda\_genome:mm2). For each perfect match we find the corresponding mismatch control by comparing the sequences and plot the perfect match control next to the mismatch control. } \value{ Plot on the current graphical device with the perfect match beads in red and mismatches in purple. The labels on the x-axis show the ID of the controls. } \author{Mark Dunning} \seealso{\code{\link{calculateBeadLevelScores}}}