\name{plotBeadLocations} \alias{plotBeadLocations} \title{Plot bead locations} \description{ Shows location of a set of beads on a strip/array. The beads can either be defined to be all beads with particular ProbeIDs or as rows in \code{BeadLevelList}. } \usage{ plotBeadLocations(BLData, ProbeIDs = NULL, BeadIDs = NULL, array = 1, SAM = FALSE, xlab = "x-coordinate", ylab = "y-coordinate", main = paste("Bead", ProbeIDs,"locations"), ...) } \arguments{ \item{BLData}{\code{BeadLevelList}} \item{ProbeIDs}{a vector of ProbeIDs to plot} \item{BeadIDs}{logical/integer vector specifying which rows of data from \code{BeadLevelList}) to plot (used if \code{ProbeIDs} is \code{NULL})} \item{array}{integer specifying the strip/array to plot} \item{SAM}{if TRUE then the data is assumed to be taken from a SAM array and therefore hexagonal} \item{xlab}{character string specifying x-axis label} \item{ylab}{character string specifying y-axis label} \item{main}{character string specifying plot title} \item{\dots}{further graphical parameters to \code{plot}} } \details{ The outline of the hexagonal array is drawn and the locations of the specified beads are overlayed. } \value{ A plot is produced on the current graphical device. } \examples{ data(BLData) #plot all beads with ProbeID 2 on array 1 plotBeadLocations(BLData, array=1, ProbeIDs=2, SAM=TRUE) #find all outliers on the first array and plot their locations o=findAllOutliers(BLData, 1) plotBeadLocations(BLData, BeadIDs=o, array=1, SAM=TRUE) } \author{Mark Dunning} \keyword{hplot}