\name{outlierPlot} \alias{outlierPlot} \title{Locations of outliers on an Illumina chip} \description{ Diagnostic function that reports how many outliers are found on a specific array on a chip. We take advantage of the segmental structure of the array and break-down the number of outliers into 9 sections. } \usage{ outlierPlot(BLData, array = array, log = FALSE, plot = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{BLData}{A BeadLevelList object containing the bead-level data for an Illumina experiment} \item{array}{The number of the array of interest} \item{log}{if TRUE calculate outliers on the log2 scale. If FALSE calculate outliers on the original scale} \item{plot}{if TRUE a diagnostic plot will be produced, otherwise only the numbers of outliers will be returned.} } \details{ The number of outliers are computed for the whole array using the Illumina default method that specifies a cut-off of 3 MADs from the median on either the log2 or original scale. These outliers are then split into 9 different sections on the array (the separation between these sections can usually be seen in the plots). } \author{Mark Dunning}