\name{chooseClusters} \alias{chooseClusters} \title{Choose Clusters} \description{ Find large clusters of beads. } \usage{ chooseClusters(IDs, neighbours, cutoff = 8) } \arguments{ \item{IDs}{IDs of beads to be clustered.} \item{neighbours}{A Neighbours matrix - obtained from \code{\link{generateNeighbours}}.} \item{cutoff}{Integer - threshold for the minimum size a cluster must be.} } \details{ This function will find which beads are in large clusters. Using a flood fill algorithm, it finds clusters of beads, determines the size of each, and then returns only the beads in clusters of size greater than \code{cutoff}. It is primarily used in \code{\link{BASHCompact}} and \code{\link{BASHDiffuse}}. } \value{ Vector of bead IDs. (This will be a subset of the argument \code{IDs}) } \author{Jonathan Cairns} \seealso{\code{\link{BASHCompact}}, \code{\link{BASHDiffuse}}, \code{\link{closeImage}}} \examples{ data(BLData) neighbours <- generateNeighbours(BLData,1) o <- findAllOutliers(BLData,1,log = TRUE) ##clusters8 <- chooseClusters(o, neighbours) ##clusters12 <- chooseClusters(o, neighbours, cutoff = 12) ## only ##larger clusters ##x11() ##plotBeadLocations(BLData,array=1,BeadIDs = clusters8, pch = ".") } \keyword{misc}