\name{arrayQualityMetrics} \alias{arrayQualityMetrics} \alias{arrayQualityMetrics-methods} \alias{arrayQualityMetrics,ExpressionSet-method} \alias{arrayQualityMetrics,AffyBatch-method} \alias{arrayQualityMetrics,NChannelSet-method} \alias{arrayQualityMetrics,BeadLevelList-method} \alias{arrayQualityMetrics,RGList-method} \alias{arrayQualityMetrics,MAList-method} \alias{arrayQualityMetrics,marrayRaw-method} \alias{arrayQualityMetrics,marrayNorm-method} \alias{arrayQualityMetrics,aqmInputObj-method} \title{ Quality metrics on microarray experiments } \description{ \code{arrayQualityMetrics} performs quality metrics on \code{\link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet}}, \code{\link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch}} , \code{\link[Biobase:class.NChannelSet]{NChannelSet}}, \code{\link[beadarray:class-BeadLevelList]{BeadLevelList}}, \code{\link[limma:rglist]{RGList}}, \code{\link[limma:malist]{MAList}}, \code{aqmInputObj}, \code{\link[marray:marrayRaw-class]{marrayRaw}} or \code{\link[marray:marrayNorm-class]{marrayNorm}} containing microarray data from any platforms, one or two channels. The results, presented in a HTML report, are designated to allow the user to rapidly assess the quality of a set of arrays. } \usage{ arrayQualityMetrics(expressionset, outdir = getwd(), force = FALSE, do.logtransform = FALSE, intgroup = "Covariate", grouprep = FALSE, spatial = TRUE, sN = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{expressionset}{ is an object of class \code{\link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet}}, \code{\link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch}} , \code{\link[Biobase:class.NChannelSet]{NChannelSet}} , \code{\link[beadarray:class-BeadLevelList]{BeadLevelList}} , \code{\link[limma:rglist]{RGList}} , \code{\link[limma:malist]{MAList}} , \code{aqmInputObj} , \code{\link[marray:marrayRaw-class]{marrayRaw}} or \code{\link[marray:marrayNorm-class]{marrayNorm}} .} \item{outdir}{ is the name of the directory in which the results are created. } \item{force}{ if TRUE, \code{outdir} will be overwritten if it already exists. } \item{do.logtransform}{ If TRUE, the data are log transformed before the analysis. } \item{intgroup}{ Name of the column of the phenoData to be used to draw a colour side bar next to the heatmap. } \item{grouprep}{ Decide if you want the boxplots and density plots to be coloured function of the groups set by 'intgroup'. The default is FALSE meaning that the boxplot and density plots will not be represented function of the groups of 'intgroup'.} \item{spatial}{ If FALSE, the spatial representations are not performed. This is useful for large arrays(like Affymetrix hgu133Plus2) when these figures are slow to be drawn and can cause machines with low memory to fail to perform the report. } \item{sN}{ are the sample names to be written on the plots. By default, using NULL (recommanded), numbers will be assigned for each array and the correspondence is given in the report.} } \details{ See the arrayQualityMetrics Vignette for examples of this function. } \value{ A directory \code{outdir} containing a HTML report named QMreport.html and all the PNG and PDF plots is created. } \author{ Audrey Kauffmann, Wolfgang Huber. Maintainer: } \keyword{hplot}