\name{aqmobj.prepdata-class} \docType{class} \alias{aqmobj.prepdata-class} \alias{aqmobj.prepdata} \alias{class.aqmobj.prepdata} \title{ Class to contain data generated from aqm.prepdata. } \description{Container for the output of \code{\link{aqm.prepdata}} and for the input of the aqm functions.} \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{M}:}{ A matrix of the M values (log-ratio). The log-ratio is computed with the second channel being the median of the intensities across arrays in the case of one channel arrays.} \item{\code{A}:}{ A matrix of the A values. The A value is the mean of the two intensities. The second channel is computed as for the M values in the case of one channel arrays.} \item{\code{dat}:}{ A matrix with the log-ratio if two channels or the intensities if one channel.} \item{\code{rc}:}{ A matrix with the red channel intensities in the case of two channels arrays. NULL if one colour arrays.} \item{\code{gc}:}{ A matrix with the green channel intensities in the case of two channels arrays. NULL if one colour arrays.} \item{\code{rcb}:}{ A matrix with the red channel background intensities if two channels arrays and if available. NULL if one colour arrays.} \item{\code{gcb}:}{ A matrix with the green channel background intensities if two channels arrays and if available. NULL if one colour arrays.} \item{\code{outM}:}{ The distance between each pairs of arrays, computed using \code{\link[genefilter:dist2]{dist2}} from the \code{\link[genefilter:dist2]{genefilter}} package.} \item{\code{sN}:}{ Integers numbering the arrays to be used to label the plots.} \item{\code{numArrays}:}{ An integer giving the number of arrays.} \item{\code{nchannels}:}{ A numeric giving the number of channels.} \item{\code{logtransformed}:}{ A logical telling if the data have been log transformed by the function aqm.prepdata.} \item{\code{classori}:}{ A character string of the class of the object that was given as an input of the aqm.prepdata function.} } } \details{ See the aqm.prepdata help or the aqm Vignette for example of this object. } \author{Audrey Kauffmann } \seealso{\code{\link{aqm.prepdata}}, \code{\link{aqm.boxplot}}, \code{\link{aqm.density}}, \code{\link{aqm.heatmap}}, \code{\link{aqm.maplot}}, \code{\link{aqm.meansd}}, \code{\link{aqm.probesmap}}, \code{\link{aqm.spatial}}, \code{\link{aqm.spatialbg}}} \keyword{classes}