\name{aqm.writereport} \alias{aqm.writereport} \title{ Writes a report from objects produced with aqm.xxx functions. } \description{ \code{aqm.writereport} performs an html report from a list of aqmobj objects. It includes a summary with the outliers detected, titles, plots and legends.} \usage{ aqm.writereport(name, expressionset, obj) } \arguments{ \item{name}{ A name to customize the title of the report that will be "name quality metrics report" } \item{expressionset}{ The expressionset on which the metrics have been run } \item{obj}{ A list of aqmobj.xxx objects } } \value{ An html report named 'QMreport.html' in the working directory. } \details{ See the aqm Vignette for example of this object. } \author{ Audrey Kauffmann }