\name{addXYfromGAL} \alias{addXYfromGAL-methods} \alias{addXYfromGAL} \title{ Computing the coordinates of the spots on a slide } \description{ From the coordinates of the blocks of a microarray slide and the Row and Column locations of the spots within the blocks, \code{addXYfromGAL} computes the X and Y coordinates of the spots of a slide. } \usage{ addXYfromGAL(x, gal.file, nBlocks, skip, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ is an \code{AnnotatedDataFrame} representing the featureData of an object. } \item{gal.file}{ name of the file .gal that contains the coordinates of the blocks. } \item{nBlocks}{ number of blocks on the slide. } \item{skip}{ number of header lines to skip when reading the gal.file. } \item{...}{Arguments that get passed on to \code{read.table}.} } \value{ The object \code{x} of class \code{AnnotatedDataFrame} will be returned with two added columns: X and Y corresponding to the absolute position of the probes on the array. } \author{ Audrey Kauffmann, Wolfgang Huber. Maintainer: } \keyword{file} \keyword{manip}