\name{slideQuality} \alias{slideQuality} \title{Quality Control statistics for general hybridization} \description{This component uses data extracted from GenePix file to provide quality control statistics.} \usage{ slideQuality(gprData = NULL, controlMatrix = controlCode, controlId = c("ID", "Name"), DEBUG = FALSE,...) } \arguments{ \item{gprData}{A list of vector, results from \code{readGPR}, containing information extracted from the gpr file.} \item{controlMatrix}{A matrix defining control status information.} \item{controlId}{Character string. Name of the column of the gpr file used to define controls.} \item{DEBUG}{If 'TRUE', debug statements are printed.} \item{\dots}{additional arguments} } \value{ A matrix of numbers.} \author{Agnes Paquet} \seealso{\code{\link{gpQuality}}, \code{\link{globalQuality}}, \code{\link{readGPR}} } \examples{ datadir <- system.file("gprQCData", package="arrayQuality") if (interactive()) { gprdata <- readGPR(fnames="9Mm137.gpr", path=datadir) results <- slideQuality(gprdata) } } \keyword{programming}