\name{scaleRefTable} \alias{scaleRefTable} \title{General hybridization quality scaling} \description{This function helps you scale quality measures in order to compare them on the same plot. It is used on reference slides to create a look-up table, which will be used to scale other slides.} \usage{scaleRefTable(reference=NULL, organism=c("Mm", "Hs"))} \arguments{ \item{organism}{A "character" string naming the organism genome printed on the array, either "Mm" or "Hs". By default, organism is set to "Mm". It is used to retrieve the corresponding reference tables.} \item{reference}{A matrix resulting from globalQuality, to be used as reference table to compare slides. If 'NULL', the default table corresponding to organism will be used.} } \value{A matrix containing median and iqr for each quality measure for tested slides.} \author{Agnes Paquet} \seealso{\code{\link{gpQuality}}, \code{\link{globalQuality}}, \code{\link{qualBoxplot}}} \keyword{programming}