\name{readcontrolCode} \alias{readcontrolCode} \title{Control status information} \description{ This component reads spot type information from a tab delimited text file to a matrix.} \usage{ readcontrolCode(file = "SpotTypes.txt", path = NULL, sep = "\t", check.names = FALSE, controlId=c("ID", "Name"), ...) } \arguments{ \item{file}{Character string giving the name of the file specifying the spot types.} \item{path}{Character string giving the directory containing the file. Can be omitted if the file is in the current working directory.} \item{sep}{the field separator character.} \item{check.names}{Logical, if 'FALSE' column names will not be converted to valid variable names, for example spaces in column names will not be left as is.} \item{controlId}{Character string. Name of the column of the gpr file used to define controls.} \item{\dots}{additional arguments} } \value{ A 2 column matrix named controlCode. } \author{Jean Yee Hwa Yang, Agnes Paquet} \keyword{hplot}