\name{readSpot} \alias{readSpot} \title{Extraction of measures from Spot (.spot) files.} \description{This component reads a Spot file (.spot) and returns columns used for quality control. } \usage{ readSpot(fnames = NULL, path= ".", galfile=NULL,DEBUG=FALSE, skip = 0, sep ="\t",quote="\"",controlId="ID", ...) } \arguments{ \item{fnames}{A "character" string naming the input file.} \item{path}{a "character" string representing the data directory. By default this is set to the current working directory (".").} \item{galfile}{ A "character" string naming the galfile associated with the input file. If galfile = NULL, readSpot will use the first .gal file found in the working directory.} \item{DEBUG}{If 'TRUE', debug statements are printed.} \item{skip}{Number of lines to skip in the gpr files.} \item{sep}{A "character" string defining the type of separation for the columns in the gpr files.} \item{quote}{A "character" string defining the type of quote in the gpr files.} \item{controlId}{Character string. Name of the column of the Spot file used to define controls.} \item{\dots}{additional arguments.} } \value{A list of vectors containing information extracted from the Agilent file} \author{Agnes Paquet} \seealso{ \code{\link{slideQuality}}, \code{\link{agQuality}}, \code{\link{globalQuality}} } \keyword{programming}