\name{maQualityPlots} \alias{maQualityPlots} \title{Qualitative diagnostic plot for general hybridization} \description{ This function generates diagnostic plots for a qualitative assessment of slide quality. } \usage{ maQualityPlots(mrawObj, headerInfo = "", save = TRUE, dev = "png", col=NULL, badspotfunction=NULL, controlId = c("ID", "Name"), DEBUG = FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{mrawObj}{\code{marrayRaw} or \code{RGList} object representing the slides to be tested.} \item{headerInfo}{Text to be used as header in the diagnostic plot.} \item{save}{Logical. If 'TRUE', the plot is saved to a file.} \item{dev}{A "character" string naming the graphics device. This will take arguments "png", "jpeg" and "ps" only. By default, dev is set to "png".} \item{col}{Vector of colors to use to describe different categories of spots.} \item{badspotfunction}{Function to use for bad spots on the array.} \item{controlId}{Character string. Name of the column of the gpr file used to define controls (or provides the name of the probes).} \item{DEBUG}{If 'TRUE', debug statements are printed.} \item{\dots}{additional arguments} } \author{Jean Yang} \examples{ # Example uses swirl dataset... } \keyword{hplot}