\name{globalQuality} \alias{globalQuality} \title{Quality measures for general hybridization.} \description{ This function provides Quality Control measures for GenePix, Spot and Agilent format files. It is used to create a table of measures to be used as reference in gpQuality, spotQuality or agQuality. } \usage{ globalQuality(fnames = NULL, path = ".", organism = c("Mm", "Hs"), output = FALSE, resdir = ".", DEBUG = FALSE, inputsource = "readGPR", controlId="ID",...) } \arguments{ \item{fnames}{A "character" string naming the input files.} \item{path}{a "character" string representing the data directory. By default this is set to the current working directory (".").} \item{organism}{A "character" string naming the organism genome printed on the array, either "Mm" or "Hs". By default, organism is set to "Mm". It is used to retrieve the corresponding reference tables.} \item{output}{Logical. If 'TRUE', the quality measures are printed to a file. } \item{resdir}{A "character" string representing the directory where the results will be saved. By default, this is set to the current working directory ("."). } \item{DEBUG}{If 'TRUE', debug statements are printed.} \item{inputsource}{A "character" string providing the name of the function to use to read the input files. It should be inputsource = "readGPR" for GenePix format files, inputsource = "readSpot" for Spot files, or inputsource = "readAgilent" for Agilent format. By default, 'inputsource' is set to "readGPR".} \item{controlId}{Character string. Name of the column of the gpr file used to define controls.} \item{\dots}{additional arguments} } \value{ A matrix of Quality Control measures, each column representing a different input slide. } \author{Agnes Paquet} \seealso{\code{\link{gpQuality}}, \code{\link{slideQuality}}, \code{\link{MmReferenceDB}}, \code{\link{readGPR}}, \code{\link{readSpot}}, \code{\link{readAgilent}} } \examples{ datadir <- system.file("gprQCData", package="arrayQuality") if (interactive()) reference <- globalQuality(fnames="9Mm137.gpr", path=datadir, organism="Mm") } \keyword{programming}