\name{agQuality} \alias{agQuality} \alias{agcontrolCode} \title{Diagnostic plots and comparative boxplots for general hybridization, Agilent format} \description{ This component provides qualitative diagnostic plots and quantitative measures for assessing general hybridization quality. All results are displayed in a HTML report. Agilent format only.} \usage{ agQuality(fnames = NULL, path = ".", organism = c("Mm", "Hs"), compBoxplot = TRUE, reference = NULL, controlMatrix = agcontrolCode, controlId = c("ProbeName"), output = FALSE, resdir = ".", dev= "png", DEBUG = FALSE,...) } \arguments{ \item{fnames}{A "character" string naming the input files.} \item{path}{A "character" string representing the data directory. By default this is set to the current working directory (".").} \item{organism}{A "character" string naming the organism genome printed on the array, either "Mm" or "Hs". By default, organism is set to "Mm". It is used to retrieve the corresponding reference tables.} \item{compBoxplot}{Logical. If set to 'FALSE', only qualitative diagnostic plots will be plotted. agQuality ouput will be limited to a diagnostic plot by file and a marrayRaw object.} \item{reference}{A matrix resulting from globalQuality, to be used as reference table to compare slides. If 'NULL', the default table corresponding to organism will be used. See details for more information.} \item{controlMatrix}{A character matrix of n by 2 columns. The first column contains a few regular expression of spotted probe sequences and the second column contains the corresponding control status. By default, is it set to be agcontrolCode.} \item{controlId}{Character string. Name of the column of the file used to define controls.} \item{output}{Logical. If 'TRUE', normalized M values corresponding to the input Agilent files and quality measures are printed to a file.} \item{resdir}{A "character" string representing the directory where the results will be saved. By default, this is set to the current working directory (".").} \item{dev}{A "character" string naming the graphics device. This will take arguments "png", "jpeg" and "ps" only. By default, dev is set to "png".} \item{DEBUG}{If 'TRUE', debug statements are printed.} \item{\dots}{Additional arguments.} } \details{ agQuality returns 2 plots for each Agilent files passed as argument. The first one is a qualitative diagnostic plot, a quick visual way to assess slide quality. The second one is a comparative boxplot: each quality control measure is compared to the range obtained for a database of 'good' slides used as reference. You can use your own set of references created using \code{globalQuality} passed in the arguments "reference", or use the reference QC values stored in the datasets \code{MmReferenceDB} and \code{HsReferenceDB}. All results and quality scores are gathered in a HTML report. For more details about the QC measures and the plots, please refer to the online manual. } \value{ A list of 2 elements: \item{mraw}{A marrayRaw object created from the input files.} \item{quality}{A matrix containing Quality Control measures for all slides.} } \author{Agnes Paquet} \seealso{ \code{\link{globalQuality}}, \code{\link{qualBoxplot}}, \code{\link{readAgilent}} } \examples{ example} \keyword{hplot}