\name{ArrayOutliers} \alias{ArrayOutliers} \alias{afxsubDEG} \alias{afxsubQC} \alias{s12c} \alias{s12cDEG} \alias{s12cQC} \alias{ILM1} \alias{itnQA} \alias{maqcQA} \alias{ilmQA} \alias{spikQA} \alias{fig3map} \title{Multivariate outlier detection based on PCA of QA statistics } \description{Multivariate outlier detection based on PCA of QA statistics } \usage{ ArrayOutliers (data, alpha, alphaSeq = c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1), ... ) # qcOutput = NULL, plmOutput = NULL, degOutput = NULL, prscale = TRUE, # pc2use = 1:3) } \arguments{ \item{data}{ an (affy) AffyBatch instance with at least 11 samples} \item{alpha}{ false positive rate for outlier detection, adjusting for multiple comparisons according to Caroni and Prescott's adaptation of Rosner (1983); full report based on this choice of alpha} \item{alphaSeq}{vector of alpha candidates to be quickly tried for short report} \item{\dots}{ additional parameters, see below } } \details{ Additional parameters may be supplied \describe{ \item{qcOutput}{optional result of simpleaffy qc() to speed computations} \item{plmOutput}{optional result of affyPLM fitPLM() to speed computations} \item{degOutput}{optional result of affy AffyRNAdeg() to speed computations} \item{prscale}{scaling option for prcomp} \item{pc2use}{selection of principal components to use for outlier detection} } Data elements afxsubDEG, afxsubQC, s12cDEG, s12cQC are precomputed RNA degradation and simpleaffy qc() results; s12c is an AffyBatch with digital contamination of some samples. Data elements maqcQA and itnQA are affymetrix QC statistics on large collections of arrays. Data element ilmQA is a derived from a LumiBatch of the Illumina-submitted MAQC raw data, 19 arrays. (Conveyed by Leming Shi, personal communication). Data element spikQA is a 12x9 matrix of QA parameters obtained for 12 arrays from U133A spikein dataset, with first 2 arrays digitally contaminated as described in Asare et al. Data element fig3map gives the indices of the points labeled A-H in Figure 3 of the manuscript by Asare et al. associated with this package. } \value{ an instance of arrOutStruct class, a list with a partition of samples into two data frames (inl and outl) with QA summary statistics } %\references{ } \author{Z. Gao et al.} %\note{ } %\seealso{ } \examples{ library(simpleaffy) setQCEnvironment("hgu133acdf") # no CDF corresponding to tag array if ( require("mvoutData") ) { data(s12c) data(s12cQC) data(s12cDEG) library(affyPLM) s12cPset = fitPLM(s12c) ao = ArrayOutliers(s12c, alpha=0.05, qcOut=s12cQC, plmOut=s12cPset, degOut=s12cDEG) ao } if (require("lumiBarnes")) { library(lumiBarnes) data(lumiBarnes) ArrayOutliers(lumiBarnes, alpha=0.05) lb2 = lumiBarnes exprs(lb2)[1:20000,1:2] = 10000*exprs(lb2)[1:20000,1:2] ArrayOutliers(lb2, alpha=0.05) } data(maqcQA) # affy ArrayOutliers(maqcQA[,-c(1:2)], alpha=.05) ArrayOutliers(maqcQA[,-c(1:2)], alpha=.01) data(ilmQA) # illumina ArrayOutliers(data.frame(ilmQA), alpha=.01) data(itnQA) # 507 arrays from ITN ArrayOutliers(itnQA, alpha=.01) } \keyword{ models }