%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Do not modify this file since it was automatically generated from: % % plotMvsMPairs.matrix.R % % by the Rdoc compiler part of the R.oo package. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \name{plotMvsMPairs.matrix} \alias{plotMvsMPairs.matrix} \alias{plotMvsMPairs.matrix} \title{Plot log-ratios vs log-ratios for all pairs of columns} \description{ Plot log-ratios vs log-ratios for all pairs of columns. } \usage{\method{plotMvsMPairs}{matrix}(X, xlab="M", ylab="M", xlim=c(-1, 1) * 6, ylim=xlim, pch=".", ..., add=FALSE)} \arguments{ \item{X}{Nx2K \code{\link[base]{matrix}} where N is the number of observations and 2K is an even number of channels.} \item{xlab,ylab}{Labels on the x and y axes.} \item{xlim,ylim}{Plot range on the x and y axes.} \item{pch}{Plot symbol used.} \item{...}{Additional arguments accepted by \code{\link[graphics]{points}}.} \item{add}{If \code{\link[base:logical]{TRUE}}, data points are plotted in the current plot, otherwise a new plot is created.} } \details{ Log-ratio are calculated by over paired columns, e.g. column 1 and 2, column 3 and 4, and so on. } \value{ Returns nothing. } \author{Henrik Bengtsson (\url{http://www.braju.com/R/})} \keyword{methods}