%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Do not modify this file since it was automatically generated from: % % normalizeTumorBoost.R % % by the Rdoc compiler part of the R.oo package. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \name{normalizeTumorBoost.numeric} \alias{normalizeTumorBoost.numeric} \alias{normalizeTumorBoost.numeric} \alias{normalizeTumorBoost} \title{Normalizes allele B fractions for a tumor given a match normal} \description{ TumorBoost [1] is a normalization method that normalizes the allele B fractions of a tumor sample given the allele B fractions and genotypes of a matched normal. The method is a single-sample (single-pair) method. It does not require total copy-number estimates. The normalization is done such that the total copy number is unchanged afterwards. } \usage{\method{normalizeTumorBoost}{numeric}(betaT, betaN, muN=callNaiveGenotypes(betaN), flavor=c("v4", "v3", "v2", "v1"), ...)} \arguments{ \item{betaT, betaN}{Two \code{\link[base]{numeric}} \code{\link[base]{vector}}s each of length J with tumor and normal allele B fractions, respectively.} \item{muN}{An optional \code{\link[base]{vector}} of length J containing normal genotypes calls in (0,1/2,1,\code{\link[base]{NA}}) for (AA,AB,BB).} \item{flavor}{A \code{\link[base]{character}} string specifying the type of correction applied.} \item{...}{Argument passed to \code{\link{callNaiveGenotypes}}(), if called.} } \value{ Returns a \code{\link[base]{numeric}} \code{\link[base]{vector}} of length J containing the normalized allele B fractions for the tumor. Attribute \code{modelFit} is a \code{\link[base]{list}} containing model fit parameters. } \details{ Allele B fractions are defined as the ratio between the allele B signal and the sum of both (all) allele signals at the same locus. Allele B fractions are typically within [0,1], but may have a slightly wider support due to for instance negative noise. This is typically also the case for the returned normalized allele B fractions. } \section{Flavors}{ This method provides a few different "flavors" for normalizing the data. The following values of argument \code{flavor} are accepted: \itemize{ \item{v4: (default) The TumorBoost method, i.e. Eqns. (8)-(9) in [1].} \item{v3: Eqn (9) in [1] is applied to both heterozygous and homozygous SNPs, which effectly is v4 where the normalized allele B fractions for homozygous SNPs becomes 0 and 1.} \item{v2: ...} \item{v1: TumorBoost where correction factor is force to one, i.e. \eqn{\eta_j=1}. As explained in [1], this is a suboptimal normalization method. See also the discussion in the paragraph following Eqn (12) in [1].} } } \examples{ library(R.utils) # Load data pathname <- system.file("data-ex/TumorBoost,fracB,exampleData.Rbin", package="aroma.light") data <- loadObject(pathname) attachLocally(data) pos <- position/1e6 muN <- genotypeN layout(matrix(1:4, ncol=1)) par(mar=c(2.5,4,0.5,1)+0.1) ylim <- c(-0.05, 1.05) col <- rep("#999999", length(muN)) col[muN == 1/2] <- "#000000" # Allele B fractions for the normal sample plot(pos, betaN, col=col, ylim=ylim) # Allele B fractions for the tumor sample plot(pos, betaT, col=col, ylim=ylim) # TumorBoost w/ naive genotype calls betaTN <- normalizeTumorBoost(betaT=betaT, betaN=betaN) plot(pos, betaTN, col=col, ylim=ylim) # TumorBoost w/ external multi-sample genotype calls betaTNx <- normalizeTumorBoost(betaT=betaT, betaN=betaN, muN=muN) plot(pos, betaTNx, col=col, ylim=ylim) } \author{Henrik Bengtsson and Pierre Neuvial} \references{ [1] H. Bengtsson, P. Neuvial & T.P. Speed, \emph{TumorBoost: Normalization of allele-specific tumor copy numbers from a single pair of tumor-normal genotyping microarrays}, 2010 (revised)\cr } \keyword{methods}