\name{sortComplexes} \alias{sortComplexes} \title{Sort complex estimates} \description{ Sorts complexes recorded in PCMG list into three separate lists containing MBME, SBMH, and UnRBB complexes. } \usage{ sortComplexes(PCMG, adjMat) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{PCMG}{Current PCMG estimate} \item{adjMat}{Adjacency matrix of bait-hit data from an AP-MS experiment. Rows correspond to baits and columns to hits.} } \details{ MBME complexes contain multiple bait proteins and multiple edges. SBMH complexes contain one bait and a collection of hit-only proteins. UnRBB complexes contain only two baits (no hit-only proteins) that are connected by an unreciprocated edge. } \value{ A list of lists representing the MBME, SBMH, and UnRBB complex estimates. } \references{ Scholtens D and Gentleman R. Making sense of high-throughput protein-protein interaction data. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology 3, Article 39 (2004). Scholtens D, Vidal M, and Gentleman R. Local modeling of global interactome networks. Bioinformatics 21, 3548-3557 (2005). } \author{Denise Scholtens} \seealso{\code{\link{findComplexes}}} \examples{ data(apEX) PCMG2 <- findComplexes(apEX,sensitivity=.7,specificity=.75) sortComplexes(PCMG2,apEX) } \keyword{graphs}