\name{plotComplex} \alias{plotComplex} \title{Render complex estimates} \description{ plotComplex renders complex estimates from the apComplex algorithm using Rgraphviz. } \usage{ plotComplex(complexMembers,g,VBs,VPs,geneName=FALSE,baitColor="yellow",preyColor="white",recipLineColor="red",unrecipBBLineColor="blue",unrecipBPLineColor="gray",y="neato") } \arguments{ \item{complexMembers}{A character vector of proteins composing a complex estimate.} \item{g}{An object of class graph, the full bait-prey graph of AP-MS data used in analysis. complexMembers must be a subset of the node names of g.} \item{VBs}{A vector of viable baits used in the AP-MS experiment.} \item{VPs}{A vector of viable prey used in the AP-MS experiment.} \item{geneName}{A logical indicating whether or not nodes should be plotted with common gene names as labels rather than systematic names.} \item{baitColor}{Color of bait nodes.} \item{preyColor}{Color of prey nodes.} \item{recipLineColor}{Color of edges connecting baits which both detected each other as prey}. \item{unrecipBBLineColor}{Color of edges connecting baits in which one bait finds the other as prey but not vice versa.} \item{unrecipBPLineColor}{Color of edges extending from baits to proteins that were only used as prey, hence reciprocity is not possible.} \item{y}{Layout of plot} } \details{ This is a simple function for plotting complex estimates resulting from the apComplex algorithm. Giving the upcoming changes in Rgraphviz, it will likely be changed substantially. } \value{ A plotted graph of the complex estimate subgraph. } \references{ Scholtens D and Gentleman R. Making sense of high-throughput protein-protein interaction data. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology 3, Article 39 (2004). Scholtens D, Vidal M, and Gentleman R. Local modeling of global interactome networks. Bioinformatics 21, 3548-3557 (2005). } \author{Denise Scholtens} \seealso{\code{\link{findComplexes}}} \examples{ data(apEX) data(apEXG) PCMG2 <- findComplexes(apEX,sensitivity=.7,specificity=.75) PCMG2sorted <- sortComplexes(PCMG2,apEX) VBs <- rownames(apEX) VPs <- setdiff(colnames(apEX),VBs) plotComplex(PCMG2sorted$MBME[[1]],g=apEXG,VBs=VBs, VPs=VPs) } \keyword{graphs}