\name{mergeComplexes} \alias{mergeComplexes} \title{Iteratively combine columns in initial PCMG estimate} \description{ Repeatedly applies the function \code{LCdelta} to make combinations of columns in the affiliation matrix representing the protein complex membership graph (PCMG) for AP-MS data. } \usage{ mergeComplexes(bhmax,adjMat,VBs=NULL,VPs=NULL,simMat=NULL,sensitivity=.75,specificity=.995,Beta=0,commonFrac=2/3,wsVal = 2e7)} %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{bhmax}{Initial complex estimates coming from bhmaxSubgraph} \item{adjMat}{Adjacency matrix of bait-hit data from an AP-MS experiment. Rows correspond to baits and columns to hits.} \item{VBs}{\code{VBs} is an optional vector of viable baits.} \item{VPs}{\code{VPs} is an optional vector of viable prey.} \item{simMat}{An optional square matrix with entries between 0 and 1. Rows and columns correspond to the proteins in the experiment, and should be reported in the same order as the columns of \code{adjMat}. Higher values in this matrix are interpreted to mean higher similarity for protein pairs.} \item{sensitivity}{Believed sensitivity of AP-MS technology.} \item{specificity}{Believed specificity of AP-MS technology.} \item{Beta}{Optional additional parameter for the weight to give data in \code{simMat} in the logistic regression model.} \item{commonFrac}{This is the fraction of baits that need to be overlapping for a complex combination to be considered.} \item{wsVal}{A numeric. This is the value assigned to the work-space in the call to fisher.test.} } \details{ The local modeling algorithm for AP-MS data described by Scholtens and Gentleman (2004) and Scholtens, Vidal, and Gentleman (2005) uses a two-component measure of protein complex estimate quality, namely P=LxC. Columns in \code{cMat} represent individual complex estimates. The algorithm works by starting with a maximal BH-complete subgraph estimate of \code{cMat}, and then improves the estimate by combining complexes such that P=LxC increases. By default \code{commonFrac} is set relatively high at 2/3. This means that some potentially reasonable complex combinations could be missed. For smaller data sets, users may consider decreasing the fraction. For larger data sets, this may cause a large increase in computation time. } \value{ A list of character vectors containing the names of the proteins in the estimated complexes. } \references{ Scholtens D and Gentleman R. Making sense of high-throughput protein-protein interaction data. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology 3, Article 39 (2004). Scholtens D, Vidal M, and Gentleman R. Local modeling of global interactome networks. Bioinformatics 21, 3548-3557 (2005). } \author{Denise Scholtens} \seealso{\code{\link{bhmaxSubgraph}},\code{\link{findComplexes}}} \examples{ data(apEX) PCMG0 <- bhmaxSubgraph(apEX) PCMG1 <- mergeComplexes(PCMG0,apEX,sensitivity=.7,specificity=.75) } \keyword{graphs}