\name{bhmaxSubgraph} \alias{bhmaxSubgraph} \title{Find maximal BH-complete subgraph} \description{ Given an adjacency matrix of bait-hit AP-MS protein data, this function finds the maximal BH-complete subgraphs and reports them as an affiliation matrix. } \usage{ bhmaxSubgraph(adjMat,VBs=NULL,VPs=NULL,unrecip=1) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{adjMat}{\code{adjMat} is an N by (N+M) adjacency matrix with N equal to the number of bait proteins and M equal to the number of hit-only proteins. \code{adjMat} should have row and column names corresponding to the proteins in the experiment. An entry of "1" in the ith row and jth column of \code{adjMat} corresponds to bait protein i finding protein j as a hit. All other entries should be 0. } \item{VBs}{\code{VBs} is an optional vector of viable baits.} \item{VPs}{\code{VPs} is an optional vector of viable prey.} \item{unrecip}{By default set to 1 so that unreciprocated bait-bait edges are treated as present. If set to 0, unreciprocated bait-bait edges will be treated as absent.} } \details{ A BH-complete subgraph with n bait nodes and m hit-only nodes for AP-MS data is defined as a subgraph for which all n*(n-1)+nm directed edges exist. A maximal BH-complete subgraph is a BH-complete subgraph which is not contained in any other BH-complete subgraph. If \code{VBs} and/or \code{VPs} are not specified, then by default \code{VBs} will be assigned the set of baits that detect at least one prey and \code{VPs} the set of prey that are detected by at least one bait. By default, unreciprocated bait-bait observations will be treated as present. If \code{unrecip} is set to 0, they will be treated as absent. If the sensitivity of the AP-MS technology is believed to be less than the specificity, then it is suggested that \code{unrecip}=1. This function calls \code{maxCliques} from the RBGL package. } \value{ A list of length one named 'maxCliques' which is itself a list of character vectors containing the names of the elements in the cliques. } \references{ Scholtens D and Gentleman R. Making sense of high-throughput protein-protein interaction data. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology 3, Article 39 (2004). Scholtens D, Vidal M, and Gentleman R. Local modeling of global interactome networks. Bioinformatics 21, 3548-3557 (2005). } \author{Denise Scholtens} \seealso{\code{\link{mergeComplexes}},\code{\link{findComplexes}}} \examples{ data(apEX) PCMG0 <- bhmaxSubgraph(apEX) PCMG1 <- mergeComplexes(PCMG0,apEX,sensitivity=.7,specificity=.75) } \keyword{array}