\name{Krogan} \alias{Krogan} \docType{data} \title{High-Definition Macromolecular Composition of Yeast RNA-Processing Complexes (2004)} \description{ AP-MS data published by Krogan et al. (2004) } \usage{ data(Krogan) } \details{ \code{Krogan} is a matrix of the AP-MS data published by Krogan et al (2004). The 153 rows correspond to bait proteins and the 485 columns correspond to proteins found as hits in the AP-MS experiment and are named accordingly. The first 153 column names are the same as the 153 row names; bait proteins can also be found as hits by other baits, hence their inclusion as columns in \code{Krogan}. An entry of "1" in the ith row and jth column of \code{Krogan} indicates that bait protein i found protein j as a hit. All other entries are "0". There are a total of 1132 "1" entries in the matrix, corresponding to the 1132 comemberships detected in the experiment. These data are available at http://www.molecule.org/cgi/content/full/13/2/225/DC1/. } \source{ Krogan, et al. High-Definition Macromolecular Composition of Yeast RNA-Processing Complexes; Molecular Cell, Vol 13, 225-239, 30 January 2004. } \references{ Scholtens D and Gentleman R. Making sense of high-throughput protein-protein interaction data. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology 3, Article 39 (2004). Scholtens D, Vidal M, and Gentleman R. Local modeling of global interactome networks. Bioinformatics 21, 3548-3557 (2005). } \seealso{\code{\link{MBMEcKrogan}}} \examples{ data(Krogan) } \keyword{datasets}