\name{listToCharacterVector} \alias{listToCharacterVector} \title{Turn list into character vector} \description{ Takes a list and returns a character vector by (separately) concatenating the vectors in the list. } \usage{ listToCharacterVector(lst,sep=' /// ') } \arguments{ \item{lst}{list object} \item{sep}{character string specifying the separator to concatenate each elements of vectors in the list} } \details{ The output vector has same length as the input list. } \value{ \item{v}{vector of length 'length(lst)' where the 'i'-th element contains the concatenation of the 'i'-th element of 'lst'.} } \references{} \author{Alexandre Kuhn} \examples{ ##an example list lst<-vector('list',3) lst[[1]]<-c('a1','a2') lst[[2]]<-'b' lst[[3]]<-c('c1','c2','c3') ##merge first 2 list elements listToCharacterVector(lst,sep=', ') } \keyword{manip}