\name{getPMInfo} \alias{getPMInfo} \title{extract publication details and abstract from annotate::pubmed function output } \description{ extract publication details and abstract from annotate::pubmed function output } \usage{ getPMInfo(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ an object of class xmlDocument; assumed to be result of a pubmed() call} } \details{ uses xmlDOMApply to extract and structure key features of the XML tree returned by annotate::pubmed() } \value{ a list with one element per pubmed id processed by pubmed. Each element of the list is in turn a list with elements for author list, title, journal info, and abstract text. } \author{Vince Carey } \note{this should be turned into a method returning an instance of a formal class representing articles. } \examples{ demo <- pubmed("11780146", "11886385", "11884611") getPMInfo(demo) } \keyword{ models }