\name{is.annpkg} \alias{is.annpkg} \title{Determine if packages contain annotation} \description{ Checks to see that the given packages contain all the necessary annotation environments to be usable by annaffy. } \usage{ is.annpkg(packages, lib.loc = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{packages}{character vector containing package names to check} \item{lib.loc}{ a character vector with path names of \R libraries, or \code{NULL}. The default value of \code{NULL} corresponds to all libraries currently known. If the default is used, the loaded packages are searched before the libraries. } } \value{ A logical vector indicating whether the packages contain annotation data. } \author{Colin A. Smith, \email{annaffy@colinsmith.org}} \examples{ pkgnames <- installed.packages()[,"Package"] pkgnames <- pkgnames[1:5] pkgnames[is.annpkg(pkgnames)] } \keyword{ file }