\name{aafSearchText} \alias{aafSearchText} \title{Search metadata annotation text} \description{ Searches Bioconductor metadata annotation package text for specific strings or Perl compatible regular expressions. } \usage{ aafSearchText(chip, colnames, text, logic = "OR") } \arguments{ \item{chip}{name of the chip data package} \item{colnames}{character vector of metadata column names to search} \item{text}{character vector of strings/regular expressons to match} \item{logic}{type of logic to use, "AND" or "OR"} } \value{ A character vector of probe ids matching the search criteria. } \author{Colin A. Smith, \email{annaffy@colinsmith.org}} \examples{ if (require(hgu95av2.db)) { aafSearchText("hgu95av2.db", "Description", c("kinase", "interferon")) # aafSearchText("hgu95av2.db", c("Gene Ontology", "Pathway"), "ribosome") } } \seealso{\link{aafSearchGO}} \keyword{ file }