\name{.aaf.character} \alias{.aaf.character} \title{Generic constructor for classes extending character} \description{ Retrieve annotation from a character data source. } \usage{ .aaf.character(probeids, chip, type, class) } \arguments{ \item{probeids}{character vector containing probe ids} \item{chip}{name of chip} \item{type}{type of annotation} \item{class}{class of object to be created} } \value{ A list of objects of class \code{class} containing the annotation data of from the \code{type} dataset for the given \code{probeids}. NA values are returned as empty objects. } \note{ Written at the NASA Center for Computational Astrobiology \cr \url{http://cca.arc.nasa.gov/} } \author{Colin A. Smith, \email{annaffy@colinsmith.org}} \keyword{ file } \keyword{internal}