\name{unique.CdfEnvAffy} \alias{unique.CdfEnvAffy} \title{ Remove duplicated elements from a CdfEnvAffy } \description{ Remove duplicated elements from a CdfEnvAffy } \usage{ \method{unique}{CdfEnvAffy}(x, incomparables = FALSE, simplify = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{ An instance of \code{CdfEnvAffy-class} } \item{incomparables}{ (not yet implemented) } \item{simplify}{ simplify the result } \item{verbose}{ verbose or not } \item{\dots}{ (here for compatibility with the generic \code{unique}) } } \details{ The parameter \code{simplify} has the same function as the one with the same name in \code{countduplicated}. } \value{ An instance of \code{CdfEnvAffy-class} in which probes used several times are removed. } \author{ Laurent } \section{Warning }{The function differs slightly from the generic \code{unique}. Here the elements found in several place a merely removed.} \seealso{\code{\link{countduplicated}} } \examples{ ##not yet here... } \keyword{ manip }