\name{removeIndex} \alias{removeIndex} \title{ A function to remove probes in an environment } \description{ A function to remove probes in an environment, given their index. } \usage{ removeIndex(x, i, simplify = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{ An instance of \code{CdfEnvAffy-class} } \item{i}{ A vector of indexes (integers !). } \item{simplify}{ Simply the resulting \code{CdfEnvAffy} (see details). } \item{verbose}{ verbose output or not. } } \details{ The probes to be removed are set to \code{NA} in the CdfEnvAffy. When \code{simplify} is set to \code{TRUE} the probe sets are simplified whenever possible. For example, if both pm and mm for the same probe pair are set to \code{NA}, then the probe pair is removed from the probe set. } \value{ An instance of \code{CdfEnvAffy-class} is returned. } \author{ Laurent Gautier } \seealso{ \code{\link{CdfEnvAffy-class}} } \examples{ ## use plasmodiumanopheles chip as an example if (require(plasmodiumanophelescdf)) { ## wrap in a (convenient) CdfEnvAffy object planocdf <- wrapCdfEnvAffy(plasmodiumanophelescdf, 712, 712, "plasmodiumanophelescdf") print(planocdf) ## ask for the probe indexed '10759' to be removed ## (note: if one wishes to remove from X/Y coordinates, ## the function xy2index can be of help). planocdfCustom <- removeIndex(planocdf, as.integer(10759)) ## let see what happened (we made this example knowing in which ## probe set the probe indexed '10759' is found). indexProbes(planocdf, "pm", "200000_s_at") indexProbes(planocdfCustom, "pm", "200000_s_at") ## The 'second' pm probe (indexed '10579') in the probe set is now set ## to NA. } } \keyword{ manip }