\name{plot.CdfEnvAffy} \alias{plot.CdfEnvAffy} \title{ A function to `plot' a CdfEnvAffy } \description{ A function to set the axis and plot the outline for a CdfEnvAffy } \usage{ \method{plot}{CdfEnvAffy}(x, xlab = "", ylab = "", main = x@chipType, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{ a \code{CdfEnvAffy} } \item{xlab}{ label for the rows } \item{ylab}{ label for the columns } \item{main}{ label for the plot. The chip-type by default. } \item{\dots}{ optional parameters to be passed to the underlying function \code{plot}} } \details{ This function does not `plot' much, but sets the coordinates for further plotting (see the examples). } \author{ Laurent } \seealso{\code{\link{CdfEnvAffy-class}} } \examples{ ## See "CdfEnvAffy-class" } \keyword{ hplot }