\name{index2xy} \alias{index2xy} \alias{index2xy.CdfEnvAffy} %\alias{index2xy.AltAffyBatch} \alias{xy2index} \alias{xy2index.CdfEnvAffy} %\alias{xy2index.AltAffyBatch} \title{ Functions to shuttle from indexes to XY coordinates } \description{ Functions to shuttle from indexes to XY coordinates. } \usage{ index2xy(object, ...) xy2index(object, ...) index2xy.CdfEnvAffy(object, i) %index2xy.AltAffyBatch(object, i) xy2index.CdfEnvAffy(object, x, y) %xy2index.AltAffyBatch(object, x, y) } \arguments{ \item{object}{An object of class \code{CdfEnvAffy}.} \item{i}{A vector of indexes.} \item{x, y}{Vectors of X and Y coordinates.} \item{\dots}{Optional parameters (not used).} } \details{ } \value{ A vector of integers (for \code{xy2index} methods), or a matrix of two columns (for \code{index2xy} methods). } \section{Warning }{} \seealso{ \code{\link{CdfEnvAffy-class}}} \examples{ ## To be done... } \keyword{ manip }