\name{getxy.probeseq} \alias{getxy.probeseq} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ A function to get the XY coordinates from a probes sequences data frame} \description{ A function to get the XY coordinates from a probes sequences \code{data.frame} } \usage{ getxy.probeseq(ppset.id = NULL, probeseq = NULL, i.row = NULL, xy.offset = NULL, x.colname = "x", y.colname = "y") } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{ppset.id}{ The probe sets of interest (a vector of mode \code{character}. } \item{probeseq}{ The probe sequence \code{data.frame} (see details). } \item{i.row}{ Row indexes in the \code{data.frame} (see details). } \item{xy.offset}{ Offset for the xy coordinates. if \code{NULL}, uses the default offset stored as an option for the affy package. } \item{x.colname, y.colname}{ The probe sequence packages have seen the names for the columns in their \code{data.frame}. This parameters exists to let us follow these changes.} } \details{ The \code{data.frame} passed as argument \code{probeseq} is expected to have (at least) the following columns: \code{Probe.X}, \code{Probe.Y} and \code{Probe.Set.Name}. When the argument \code{ppset.id} is not null, the probe sets } \value{ A \code{matrix} of two columns. The first column contains x coordinates, while the second column contains y coordinates. } \author{ Laurent } \section{Warning }{ The parameter \code{xy.offset.one} is here for historical reasons. This should not be touched, the option in the affy package should be modified if one wishes to modify this. This function should not be confused with the methods \code{index2xy} and similar. Here the the XY coordinate come from a \code{data.frame} that stores information about an arbitrary number probes on the chip. (See the `probe sequence' data packages on Bioconductor, and the package \code{matchprobes}). The methods \code{index2xy} are meant to interact with instances of class \code{AffyBatch}. } %\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{~~fun~~}}, ~~~ } \examples{ ##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ---- } \keyword{ manip }