\name{cdfenvs} \alias{wrapCdfEnvAffy} \alias{getCdfEnvAffy} \alias{buildCdfEnv.matchprobes} \alias{CdfEnv} \title{ functions related to cdfenvs } \description{ A set of functions to handle cdfenvs } \usage{ wrapCdfEnvAffy(cdfenv, nrow.chip, ncol.chip, chiptype, check = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) getCdfEnvAffy(abatch) buildCdfEnv.matchprobes(matches, ids, probes.pack, abatch=NULL, nrow.chip=NULL, ncol.chip=NULL, chiptype=NULL, mm=NA, simplify = TRUE, x.colname = "x", y.colname = "y", verbose=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{abatch}{an \code{AffyBatch}} \item{cdfenv}{A cdfenv environment} \item{check}{perform consistency check or not} \item{chiptype}{A name for the chip type} \item{ids}{a vector of probe set identifiers for the matches} \item{matches}{a list as returned by the function \code{\link[matchprobes]{combineAffyBatch}}} \item{mm}{The value to store for MMs} \item{ncol.chip}{The number of columns for the chip type} \item{nrow.chip}{The number of rows for the chip type} \item{probes.pack}{The name of the probe package} \item{simplify}{Simplify the environment created by removing the ids without any matching probe} \item{x.colname, y.colname}{see the \code{getxy.probeseq}} \item{verbose}{verbosity (\code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE})} } \value{ An instance of class \code{CdfEnvAffy}. } \examples{ ## See the main vignette } \keyword{manip}