\name{buildCdfEnv.biostrings} \alias{buildCdfEnv.biostrings} \title{ Build CDF environments} \description{ Build CDF environment from Biostrings matchPDict results } \usage{ buildCdfEnv.biostrings(apm, abatch = NULL, nrow.chip = NULL, ncol.chip = NULL, simplify = TRUE, x.colname = "x", y.colname = "y", verbose = FALSE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{apm}{ \code{AffyProbesMatch}} \item{abatch}{ \code{AffyBatch} } \item{nrow.chip}{number of rows for the chip type (see details)} \item{ncol.chip}{number of columns for the chip type (see details)} \item{simplify}{simplify the environment built (removing target names when there is no matching probe)} \item{x.colname}{ column name } \item{y.colname}{ column name} \item{verbose}{ verbose \code{TRUE}/\code{FALSE}} } \details{ % ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~ Whenever an \code{abatch} is specified, \code{nrow.chip} and \code{ncol.chip} are not needed. Specifying the an \code{AffyBatch} in \code{abatch} is the easiest way to specify information about the geometry of a chip type. } \value{ An instance of class \code{CdfEnvAffy}. } %\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ } %\author{ ~~who you are~~ } %\note{ ~~further notes~~ % % ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~ %} %\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ } %\examples{ %} % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ manip }