\name{appendCdfEnvAffy} \alias{appendCdfEnvAffy} \title{ append probe sets to a CdfEnvAffy} \description{ append probe sets to a CdfEnvAffy } \usage{ appendCdfEnvAffy(acdfenv, id, i, nocopy = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{acdfenv}{ instance of class \code{CdfEnvAffy}} \item{id}{ identifier for the probe set to add } \item{i}{ a \code{matrix} of indexes (see details)} \item{nocopy}{whether to make a copy of the environment or not (see details)} } \details{ The \code{matrix} \code{i} must have one column per probe type. For typical Affymetrix chip types, there are two probe types: \code{"pm"} and \code{"mm"}. \code{nocopy} set to \code{TRUE} means that the environment is added the probe set 'in-situ' (this can boost execution speed if you add a lot of probe sets). } \value{ An \code{CdfEnvAffy} is returned } \examples{ data(cdfenvEx) ## pm and mm probe set m <- matrix(1:10, ncol = 2) colnames(m) <- c("pm", "mm") appendCdfEnvAffy(cdfenvEx, "blabla", m) indexProbes(cdfenvEx, c("pm", "mm"), "blabla") ## pm only probe set m <- matrix(6:9, ncol = 1) colnames(m) <- c("pm") appendCdfEnvAffy(cdfenvEx, "blabla2", m) ## note that the unspecified "mm" were set to NA indexProbes(cdfenvEx, c("pm", "mm"), "blabla2") } \keyword{ manip }