\name{transform.ProbeSet} \alias{transform.ProbeSet} \title{A function to transform a ProbeSet} \description{ A function to transform the PMs and MMs in a ProbeSet. } \usage{ \method{transform}{ProbeSet}(`_data`, fun = I, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{_data}{object of \code{\link[affy]{ProbeSet-class}}.} \item{fun}{a function. The identity function by default.} \item{\dots}{optional arguments for \code{fun}.} } \details{ The function \code{fun} is applied to the slots \code{pm} and \code{mm}. The function \code{vsnh} in the package \code{vsn} is a recommended argument for \code{fun}. } \value{ An object of class \code{ProbeSet}. } \author{Laurent} \note{This function should make to the package \code{affy} for the version 1.4.x.} \examples{ library(affydata) data(Dilution) ppset.name <- sample(featureNames(Dilution), 1) ppset <- probeset(Dilution, ppset.name)[[1]] ppset.log <- transform(ppset, fun=log) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(ppset) plot(ppset.log) } \keyword{manip}