\name{hgu133a.pdnn.params} \alias{chiptype.pdnn.params} %\alias{hgu133a.pdnn.params} \alias{hgu95av2.pdnn.params} %\alias{mgu74av2.pdnn.params} %\alias{pdnn-energy-parameter_hg_u133a} \alias{pdnn-energy-parameter_hg-u95av2} %\alias{pdnn-energy-parameter_mg_u74av2} \docType{data} \title{Chip-type specific data} \description{ Chip-type specific data structure. } \usage{ %data(hgu133a.pdnn.params) data(hgu95av2.pdnn.params) } \format{ The format is a list: \describe{ \item{Eg}{environment (one entry per dinucleotide)} \item{Wg}{numerical vector.} \item{En}{environment (one entry per dinucleotide)} \item{Wn}{numerical vector.} \item{gene.Sn}{list (one entry per affyID)} \item{gene.Sg}{list (one entry per affyID)} \item{gene.xy}{list (one entry per affyID)} \item{params.gene}{environment} } } \details{ These chip-specific data structures are generated from the data files made available by the author of the PDNN paper (see the section source). They are stored as \code{data} to save some computation time. The data structures were made using the function \code{\link{pdnn.params.chiptype}}. The data files are included in the the directory `data' of the package. } \note{ To lower the size of the package, the only chip-specific data structures included in the package is the one for HG-U95Av2. } \source{ Li Zhang, Michael F. Miles and Kenneth D. Aldape - A model of molecular interactions on short oligonucleotide arrays, 2003, Nature Biotech., vol. 21, n.7 } \examples{ ## give the path the original energy parameter files included in the package list.files(system.file("exampleData", package="affypdnn"), "^pdnn-energy-parameter_", full.names=TRUE) } \keyword{datasets}