\name{read.celfile} \alias{read.celfile} \title{Read a CEL file into an R list} \description{This function reads the entire contents of a CEL file into an R list structure } \usage{read.celfile(filename,intensity.means.only=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{name of CEL file} \item{intensity.means.only}{If \code{TRUE} then read on only the MEAN section in INTENSITY} } \value{returns a \code{list} structure. The exact contents may vary depending on the file format of the CEL file } \details{ The list has four main items. HEADER, INTENSITY, MASKS, OUTLIERS. Note that INTENSITY is a list of three vectors MEAN, STDEV, NPIXELS. HEADER is also a list. Both of MASKS and OUTLIERS are matrices. } \author{B. M. Bolstad } \keyword{IO}