\name{pseudo.coloring} \alias{pseudoColorBar} \alias{pseudoPalette} \title{Coloring pseudo chip images} \description{ These are routines used for coloring pseudo chip images. } \usage{ pseudoPalette(low = "white", high = c("green", "red"), mid = NULL,k =50) pseudoColorBar(x, horizontal = TRUE, col = heat.colors(50), scale = 1:length(x),k = 11, log.ticks=FALSE,...) } \arguments{ \item{low}{color at low end of scale} \item{high}{color at high end of scale} \item{mid}{color at exact middle of scale} \item{k}{number of colors to have} \item{x}{A data series} \item{horizontal}{If \code{TRUE} then color bar is to be draw horizontally} \item{col}{colors for color bar} \item{scale}{tickmarks for \code{x} if \code{x} is not numeric} \item{log.ticks}{use a log type transformation to assign the colors} \item{...}{additional parameters to plotting routine} } \details{ Adapted from similar tools in maPlots pacakge. } \author{Ben Bolstad \email{bmb@bmbolstad.com}} \seealso{\code{\link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch}}, \code{\link[affy:read.affybatch]{read.affybatch}}} \examples{ } \keyword{manip}