\name{readClfEnv} \alias{readClfEnv} \title{Parsing a CLF file using Affymetrix Fusion SDK} \description{ This function parses a CLF file using the Affymetrix Fusion SDK. CLF (chip layout) files contain information associating probe ids with chip x- and y- coordinates. } \usage{ readClfEnv(file, readBody = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{file}{\code{character(1)} providing a path to the CLF file to be input.} \item{readBody}{\code{logical(1)} indicating whether the entire file should be parsed (\code{TRUE}) or only the file header information describing the chips to which the file is releavant.} } \value{ An enviroment. The \code{header} element is always present; the remainder are present when \code{readBody=TRUE}. \item{header}{A list with information about the CLF file. The list contains elements described in the CLF file format document referenced below.} \item{dims}{A length-two integer vector of chip x- and y-coordinates.} \item{id}{An integer vector of length \code{prod(dims)} containing probe identifiers.} \item{x}{An integer vector of length \code{prod(dims)} containing x-coordinates corresponding to the entries in \code{id}.} \item{y}{An integer vector of length \code{prod(dims)} containing y-coordinates corresponding to the entries in \code{id}.} } \author{Martin Morgan \url{mtmorgan@fhcrc.org}} \seealso{ \url{https://www.affymetrix.com/support/developer/fusion/File_Format_CLF_aptv161.pdf} describes CLF file content. } \keyword{file} \keyword{IO}